Monday, December 12, 2011

Ethan vs Work

Dearest Ethan Baby,

Mummy often struggle between work and you. Thanks GOD that he is always constantly

reminding Mummy that you are on my top priority over work. There are many times when Mummy wishes to put in more time and effort on my work but I decided to save my time for you instead. Thanks GOD that he is also always reminding Mummy that time is so short and precious with you, once this stage is over, I can't ever come back to it. Mummy believes that all her sacrifices are worth it especially for you, my dearest baby.

Love Always,

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers


  1. I'm so with you on this post. I think all moms struggle with trying to balance between work and family but I always believe family comes first and any sacrifices we made to be with our kids are worth it. I've also come to realise more and more that being a mom is a special calling - one that needs total dedication and commitment, so a special calling requires our sacrifices. Does it make sense? Hm.... :)

  2. Totally agreed with you, Ruth. =)
